Raden Adjeng
Kartini is a Javanese
figures and the National Heroine of Indonesia. She
is known as a pioneer of the rise of indigenous women. Kartini was born in
Jepara, Central Java, April 21, 1879. She is the daughter of the regent of
Jepara, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat. Kartini was married to the regent of
Rembang K.R.M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat on November 12, 1903.
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After she graduated
from the Europese Lagere School, Kartini got seclusion
while waiting to be married. She removes sorrow by learning at home and wrote
letters to her friends from the Netherlands. Through books and newspapers they
read, Kartini interested in the think advancement of Europe women and the desire
to advance the social status of indigenous women is still low.
Kartini received a scholarship from the
Netherlands but could not get this advantage it due to she should to marry. Her
husband understood about Kartini’s desire and wants to help to support girls'
school establishment. She was given the freedom to set her school on the east
gate of Rembang district office complex.
Kartini died on 17 September 1904 after
giving birth to her first son. On the persistence and then founded her school
in Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madison, Cirebon and surrounding
areas. Mr. J.H. Abendanon collect and record Kartini's letters in a book
entitled "DOOR DUISTERNIS TOT Licht" (Light after Dark).
Title : Raden Adjeng Kartini: A National Heroine of Indonesia
Description : Raden Adjeng Kartini is a Javanese figures and the National Heroine of Indonesia . She is known as a pioneer of the rise of indigenou...